Let's just say my ultimatum paid off. Going to Lubbock for the Tech/Texas game was one of the better decisions I have made in my 31 years. It was the best game I have ever seen and the entire day was good stuff. For those that didn't get to see it, I am sorry. For those that did, don't you wish you could have seen it live?
Kevin and Tera (my bro and his wife) drove down from KC on Friday night, then I did a little trick or treating with the kids, before we headed out. We got to Lubbock about 2:00 am, woke up for Gameday at 7:30 am and then hung out at the tailgates and game until about 11:30 pm. Asleep by about 1:30, up by 7:30, and drive home. The longest day/weekend of my life, but well worth it. And no I did not rush onto the field. I am way too mature for that, and I was too busy high fiving and hugging the complete strangers all around me. Check out this ariel view of the stadium after the game was over. Good times.

I also accepted a new job on Friday before all the trick or treating and trip began. After 7 years in my current position, I will be changing roles after the first of the year. I will be moving on to sell immunizations. My territory will switch to Oklahoma City/North Tulsa, but I am excited about the opportunity. It is still the same company, GlaxoSmithKine, but a little change in job structure.
All in all, as the title says, it was a "good, solid weekend". Halloween was great with Jeff Gordon and the cutest little pumpkin you have ever seen. Here are some pics:

Nascar man and his sister

The Fam

My two favorite kids in the whole world.