The first thing he opened was a new baseball glove. Guess we better get started working on that slider and circle change-up. Or maybe first, we should understand the concept that we don't throw the ball with our glove hand.

Next was a new tractor to dig in the sandbox. Specifically, an excavator, because Scottie has a major infatuation with excavators. This is one of those things you learn with kids, because pre-Scott, I had no idea what an excavator was. Praise God for google.

Finally, he got the sweetest Cars racetrack ever. They didn't make them like this in my day. Battery operated, sends those cars for a serious ride. As you can see, I am somewhat jealous.

Tonight we had over a bunch of Scottie's friends (four families) for a big backyard bash. He got some great gifts, had some Cars cupcakes, and played in the backyard. Besides a few altercations with his best friend, Calvin (these are not unusual, at least one per meeting), we had a great time. Everyone left for home and we played with our new toys a little longer before bed. And in case you're worried, Scott and Calvin made-up and are still best friends.
Also, what's a party without a one month old. Maggie hit one month today. After such a big day, she was ready to call it a day. Too bad she didn't and is still awake with me. Hope she goes to bed tonight. Happy one month birthday Honey.

Love the Ozark Staff shirt. Pass the Mountain Dew, please.
You're sure getting pretty good at these blogs. We enjoy them alot.
very cool! we have TWO birthday parties this weekend. the boys turn 9 and 12. unbelievable.
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