Well, we did make it to the the Oklahoma State Fair on Friday afternoon/night. From the pictures, you may think it is a Nascar event, but that is just because of our little redneck. Scottie found the Nascar ride and then we stumbled upon the Tony Stewart Home Depot car. Let's just say the majority of our time was taken up with these two things. We did, however, find time to partake in some good state fair grease. We had a great time and Maggie was a champ. In other news, we do have a new roof over our heads, I have run four times since my last post, and I paid $1 to see the world's smallest woman at the fair. Word to the wise, "Don't do this." I was traumatized. This poor woman is just sitting there like a caged animal staring at you. I meant no harm, but felt like a bad human after that little episode. Live and Learn. (But since you want to know, she was very small, but I think 29 inches was false advertising). Here are a few pics from the festivities. Enjoy.

What better way to start the State Fair than a $3 corndog.

The best looking ladies at the Fair. I know the competition at the Fair isn't great, but still.

Nascar Scottie and his friend, Luke, riding the rides. No Dale, Jr. car, so Scottie picked Dale, Sr. and if you can't find Jeff Gordon, at least go for Robbie Gordon's #4 Kodak car.

And for the Grandmas, here's your little girl after church on Sunday.
No way!!! She cannot be standing so soon! Wow, does she look cute, or what? I know, I know...I am her Grandma! Love to all...
What a little doll!!!!! I think she is a live wire. You better watch out. She can't be standing at 4 months. Can't wait to see her and Scottie!!
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