Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Family Circus

Last week, we went out of town for a few days and got to see both of our families (except Kev and Tera). We went to Bartlesville because Allen was finished with camp for the summer and Jon, Amy and Ella had come down to see Maggie. We had a great weekend with some golf, swimming, backyard, and some serious food. Scott and Maggie had a good time with their cousin Ella. Scottie also loved the tractor ride he had with Papa on Sunday night. Who knew a riding lawnmower could be so sweet? Now that is some redneck fun there.

PS--Congratulations Amy, you made the blog..

On Monday we drove up to the Lake of the Ozarks where Ryan and Emily had rented a place for the week. Ann, Emily, and Mom went to the spa on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday, Ry's bro-in-law, Dad, Ry, and I went on a catfish guided tour. The fishing wasn't great as we only caught five, but we had a good time. The guide said the 70 degree August weather jacks with the fish. Scottie had a great time with Ava and Quin on the boat and playing around the house.

After 5 days away from home, we got back Wednesday night about 1:00 am. Although we had a great week, Thursday was a good day of recovery. (I am officially old now that I need a recovery day after vacation) I went back to work Friday and as the song says, we were "back to life, back to reality."

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