Well, today sucked. After six great years, our best friends packed up and moved to Scottsdale. We are going to miss the Andersons dearly. They have been our OKC family and our families have grown together. They've been our 'emergency contact' number, our last minute babysitter, and were first on our 'must call' list. Matt has taken a senior pastor position at McDowell Mountain Community Church and we are excited for that. I know God has a plan, but He sure didn't ask my opinion on this matter.
I know we have truly been blessed with such a special frienship. It's not easy to find a couple where all four people really enjoy each other. We had that with the Andersons. I know change can be good, but I need to be better at accepting it.
This won't be an easy or fun change, but I guess it's just part of being grown up. We will get to visit and do vacations together, but we will miss the every day things that we enjoyed sharing with them.
We wish Matt, Robin, Connor, and Calvin the best as they begin their new journey. We love you guys and we will miss you very much.

Know that we are praying for you guys and hurting for you. What a blessing to have ever had friends to be so close with. Thanks for sharing the neat pictures!
we love you guys way too much. thanks for a whole blog dedicated to the anderson/mcnellis family. :)what will we do without you?
seriously, i'm sure there are PLENTY of jobs in scottsdale for you, russ. and ann, you can find free lance stuff anywhere! come on! what are you waiting for?... life if too short! ...pleeeease????
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