Ann got out some pipe cleaners the other day and showed the kids what kind of fun we used to have as kids.
"Well kids, when I grew up we had rocks, sticks, paper, and on special days, we got pipe cleaners. We walked to school barefoot, uphill both ways. And for Christmas we received socks and underwear."
The encouraging thing is to see the fun that can be had with those old pipe cleaners. For example, you can make funny eye glasses like the ones seen in the pictures above. Not only that, you can also see what you will look like in a few years if you have eyes like daddy.
This is Scottie when he dresses himself, which is quite often as of late. We are on a two week stretch of "hoop pants/shorts" (when he does opt to wear clothes). Definitely has Daddy's fashion sense. Hey, it does match.
I am not here say whether little boys should play with dolls. However, when Scottie recently started playing with a particular doll he had made in Sunday School, I had no hard feelings. I mean how can you not appreciate when your child wants to make a manger bed and care for little baby Jesus. That being said, I will draw the line if Barbie ever enters the conversation.
So glad to hear you all are doing better!
Looks like your sweet Scottie took Jesus a little more seriously than the Shockley boys!
Loved your Christmas pictures, adorable kids!
You know....I read the blog about Maggie getting sick last week and thought to myself, that would really stink. Apparently, the flu can now be spread by reading others' blogs because two days later, our entire fam went down. We have yet to experience day 1 of no pukey pukey. I have decided to blame you....I don't know why. Anyways, our greatest sympathies and glad to see you made it!
Mr. and Mrs. McNellis!!! This is Haylee White McMurry and I think we might be neighbors. Sorry I am posting a comment to contact you, I did not know how else. I would love to hear from you both.
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