Let's start with the GOOD. Christmas was alot of fun this year. Santa played a key role, and Scottie loved it. We did family gifts after Christmas Service on December 23. Then Santa came on the morning of Christmas Eve because he knew we were leaving for Bartlesville later in the day.
Scott's Christmas consisted of a SmartCycle, Football Guys, and a train set.
Scottie looking a little sleepy, but still excited to see what Santa brought.
We left for Bartlesville on Christmas Eve and opened presents with Grandma, Papa, Jon, Amy, Allen, and Ella that night. We also started the first annual Befort challenge. This was a battle between Jon, Amy, Ann, Allen, and I. There was a song naming game, a hoop shoot, cookie decorating contest, Scattergories, and a card game. Amy cheated and got first, and I felt bad for everyone, so I kind of laid low and let everyone else win. Good times though.

Maggie after a walk with Mom in Bartlesville.
Scottie getting ready for Christmas dinner.
On Saturday, we headed to Kansas City for a McNellis family Christmas. It snowed on Sunday, so Scott and I shoveled the driveway for Pops. Scott ate more snow than he shoveled, but it is low in calories. We went to Ryan and Emily's Sunday night to eat, play, and unwrap gifts.
On Monday, we went to Union Station with Ava and Quin and had fun looking at the trains. After being completely worn out and noticing a little cough for Maggie, we decided to head home after dinner that night. Kids could sleep the whole way and we could be home all day Tuesday.
Scott shoveling snow for Pops.
Scott playing Santa.
Scott, Ava, and Quin at Union Station.
OK, now for the BAD.
The kids did great coming home and they both slept the majority of the way. When we got home (11:45 pm), I grabbed Maggie to take her straight to bed, hoping not to wake her up. Well, I didn't, but the stench of the house did. We basically walked into a boy's locker room. After I put her in her crib, I look back to notice every single footstep I took. The west side of our house was flooded. Kids are now up, we are trying to find what's wrong, glad we came home tonight. I finally got the water turned off after noticing all of the water coming out of our wall. So we get the carpet people and the plumber out the next day to start this ridiculous process. Do we replace the carpet? Do we file a claim to insurance? Is black mold our newest housemate? So many questions.
How sad you say? Hold on, we aren't done.
After already spending two weeks of December with somebody in the family sick, we thought it was over. However, when we got home, Ann decided to take Maggie to the Urgent Care since she had a runny nose, low fever, and that little cough. Well, that little cough turned out to be RSV. Poor girl can't catch a break. I won't do it, but I really wonder if she has been sick or well more days of her life. Guess she's paying back Mom for having pneumonia while she was trying to develop arms and legs.

Is our house going to be infested with mold?
Do we live in a boy's locker room?
Please get this stench out of our house.
Here comes the UGLY.
I am leaving town tomorrow for three weeks. I have to go to Philadelphia for training and won't be back until January 23. (Side note, is it sad that I am more pumped to see the Rocky steps, than Liberty Bell or Decleration of Independence?) In other words, Ann gets to take care of all this by herself. I have always avoided conflict by just removing myself from it, but this seems a little extreme. I fully trust and support all of her decisions she is facing and I know I am leaving it all in great hands. Please say a prayer for her sanity as you lay down tonight.
Sorry for the delay and length of this post, but there's been a little going on around here.
I don't know what this blog will consist of over the next three weeks as I am away, but stay tuned it's bound to be exciting.
Oh no! Ann--you are a saint. Seriously.
Thanks for the update! Goodness!
First, several of those pictures are amazing! Not sure who took them, but WOW and thanks for sharing them!
So sorry all of this is happening at once! We'll be praying, but please let us know what you all need and how we can help!
You left out the REALLY UGLY. (see Cotton Bowl)
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