Monday, December 22, 2008

Fun with Pipe Cleaners

We had our first day of no puking or diarrhea yesterday, and it was the first day since last Thursday. That's right, eight days straight of something. We have basically lived in a petri dish of viruses and bacteria. But we are back to good health and look forward to the upcoming holiday. We should be 100% just in time to go out of town for a week, and all come back sick.

Ann got out some pipe cleaners the other day and showed the kids what kind of fun we used to have as kids.

"Well kids, when I grew up we had rocks, sticks, paper, and on special days, we got pipe cleaners. We walked to school barefoot, uphill both ways. And for Christmas we received socks and underwear."

The encouraging thing is to see the fun that can be had with those old pipe cleaners. For example, you can make funny eye glasses like the ones seen in the pictures above. Not only that, you can also see what you will look like in a few years if you have eyes like daddy.

This is Scottie when he dresses himself, which is quite often as of late. We are on a two week stretch of "hoop pants/shorts" (when he does opt to wear clothes). Definitely has Daddy's fashion sense. Hey, it does match.

I am not here say whether little boys should play with dolls. However, when Scottie recently started playing with a particular doll he had made in Sunday School, I had no hard feelings. I mean how can you not appreciate when your child wants to make a manger bed and care for little baby Jesus. That being said, I will draw the line if Barbie ever enters the conversation.
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Monday, December 15, 2008

Freakin Cold

What else do you do in the middle of December when the weather outside is single digits? Well, you layer yourself in every piece of winter clothing you have, and you go to the store for Christmas cookie ingredients. That's what Scottie and I did after dinner tonight. Since Maggie caught Scottie's case of barfitis today, I decided to keep him busy by making some Christmas cookies.

Note to self: Never move north of Oklahoma City. Cold weather is for the birds.

Ready to face Old Man Winter

The finished product.
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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sick Day

Well, this ain't your typical Thursday. Scottie woke up about 2:45 last night with a case of the barfs, I'm at home studying about Hepatitis for my new job, and Ann's day of errands was completely shot. We are hoping the spewing is over, but he has a little fever now. Ann has been ubersympathetic with Scottie, and this is something I don't get to see during my sicknesses. So it is nice to know that my kids don't get the gasps and rolling eyes that I see when I am a little under the weather. It is pretty sad and pathetic to see the little fella so down and out though. Here's to hoping he gets to feeling better soon.

*Notice the name on the bowl. This was an old practice passed down from my mom. I don't know if it is to keep from getting lost or if she is afraid it will get stolen, but growing up 'McNellis' was written in every piece of athletic gear, clothing (especially underwear, what??), book, toy, hat, kitchen utensil, etc. we ever owned. After garage sales and donations, who knows how many people in this world have something that says 'McNellis' in permanent marker.

No, Maggie is not happy Scottie is sick. Just glad to be able to crawl around without being tackled.

Last weekend, we went to Kansas City to see the fam. We went and saw Grandma McNellis and spent a lot of time with Ava and Quin at my brother's new house. Then on Saturday, the entire Hendricks (Mom's side) family came over to Ryan's for a Holiday get together. It was great to see everyone.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Clothes, I don't need no stinkin clothes!!

I think of myself as having a pretty good memory. However, for the life of me, I cannot remember the last time I came home from work and saw Scottie with clothes on. What a life. I don't have a problem with it, probably just bitter jealousy. And don't be intimidated by the fine physique, he has been working out.

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