Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I have so much to be thankful for this year. I won't bore you with the details of the blessings in my life, but trust me, I have more than I could ever deserve. We are spending this Thanksgiving weekend in Bartlesville with the Befort family. Everybody (Grandma, Papa, Jon, Amy, Ella, and Allen) is here and it is good to be together. Next weekend we will be going to Kansas City to see the McNellis fam and to have a family reunion with the Hendricks (Mom's side of the family). I hope you can all find something to be thankful for this year and enjoy your Thanksgiving Day.

Here are some pictures of Scott and Maggie on Thanksgiving Day.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Good Joke

Yesterday, I came across a good blog. It is and he has some pretty funny stuff. He is a pastor in Childress, TX and that's about all I know. He was good enough to make the blog roll and I will be keeping up with him from now on. He had a great joke on there and I am a sucker for good jokes. Since I am always up for a good laugh, I thought I would steal the joke and post it here.

So here it is, hope it makes you laugh:

Nothing is funnier to me that being able to laugh at yourself or what you do. I have an arsenal of preacher jokes, but here is one of the ones that is at the top of my favorites list...

Three ministers and their wives were on a cruise. A tidal wave came up and swamped the ship; they all drowned, and next thing you know, they're standing at the gates of heaven before Peter.

The first minister came with his wife and stood before Peter. Peter opened the book of life and shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, I can't let you in. You loved money too much. Your life was only about money. You loved it so much, you even married a woman named Penny.

"Then came the second minister and his wife. "I'm sorry, I can't let you in, either. You loved food too much and you know what the Bible says about gluttony! In fact, you loved to eat so much, you even married a woman named Candy!"

The third minister turned to his wife and whispered nervously, "It doesn't look good for us, Fanny."

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Do you ear what I ear?

This week consisted of a burst eardrum for Scottie and a double ear infection for Mags. Dr. Stecklow, it is our pleasure to keep you in business. Any ideas on how to get 5 ml of antibiotics to a three year old will be gladly accepted. Hope all is well for everyone else out there.

Here's a sampling of what's going in our children's bodies this week.
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Half a Year

This post serves two purposes. The first is to show how lovely my baby girl has become after six months. The second is to make sure that scary freakin eye picture is not the first thing you see when you log on to this page. By the way, the eye is getting better. It's just changing colors like a bruise. So right now it is still pretty bloody with shades of that disgusting greenish, yellow color. But again, it does nothing to take away from my wife's beauty. So far she has skipped church and MOMs group to avoid the "what the heck is wrong with your eye" question.

Here are some pictures of Maggie from the past week. She turned six months yesterday and had a big week of new things. Also Scottie has randomly started calling her Sadie. Whatever?? Here ya go.

Isn't She Lovely

She had her first bath in the big tub

She tried rice cereal and spit it all back up as expected

And she got her first Harley-Davidson headband
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Friday, November 7, 2008

Disgusting Eye and Great Cereal

Ann has issues. In the past, she will have an occasional blood vessel bust in her eye that causes a little bit of redness. This, on the other hand, looks like her heart exploded and all the blood tried to escape through her eye. Don't worry, she did go to the doctor and after saying 'Wow' three times, he did say that it is not a big deal unless it happens again any time soon. For those of you that know me, this ain't good. I haven't looked at my wife in two days in fear of passing out cold, but I do still love her.
By the way, this post will not be at the top long because I just can't handle it. So enjoy.

Also, there is no doubt in my mind that Golden Grahams tops the list of 'World's Best Cereals'. Walmart just put them back on the shelf. I don't know what the issue happened to be (probably something to do with Walmart showing how big and bad they are), but I am thankful they are back. This is just an FYI, but if you haven't had a bowl of GGs in a while, I highly suggest a box next time you are at the store.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Good, Solid Weekend...

Let's just say my ultimatum paid off. Going to Lubbock for the Tech/Texas game was one of the better decisions I have made in my 31 years. It was the best game I have ever seen and the entire day was good stuff. For those that didn't get to see it, I am sorry. For those that did, don't you wish you could have seen it live?

Kevin and Tera (my bro and his wife) drove down from KC on Friday night, then I did a little trick or treating with the kids, before we headed out. We got to Lubbock about 2:00 am, woke up for Gameday at 7:30 am and then hung out at the tailgates and game until about 11:30 pm. Asleep by about 1:30, up by 7:30, and drive home. The longest day/weekend of my life, but well worth it. And no I did not rush onto the field. I am way too mature for that, and I was too busy high fiving and hugging the complete strangers all around me. Check out this ariel view of the stadium after the game was over. Good times.

I also accepted a new job on Friday before all the trick or treating and trip began. After 7 years in my current position, I will be changing roles after the first of the year. I will be moving on to sell immunizations. My territory will switch to Oklahoma City/North Tulsa, but I am excited about the opportunity. It is still the same company, GlaxoSmithKine, but a little change in job structure.

All in all, as the title says, it was a "good, solid weekend". Halloween was great with Jeff Gordon and the cutest little pumpkin you have ever seen. Here are some pics:

Nascar man and his sister

The Fam

My two favorite kids in the whole world.
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