Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day or Groundhog Day???

Memorial Day is a day to remember those that have passed. Well fortunately for me, that list is not very long. So to me Memorial Day means three day weekend. Many people spend Memorial Day at the lake, with friends and family, or maybe having a cookout. But how do parents of a newborn spend Memorial Day?

Well, for those that have seen the movie Groundhog Day, you will understand this. We will spend today just like we have spent every day for the last two weeks. It begins between 6:30 am and 7:00 am with Maggie not being able to fall asleep after she eats. Then Scott will roll out between 8:00 and 8:30. He will want his breakfast of pancake, rice krispies, and strawberries. Feed Maggie. Change Maggie. Mom showers and gets dressed. Feed Maggie. Change Maggie. Scott will play on his playground. Time for lunch. Feed Maggie. Change Maggie. Scott plays a little more. Scott goes down for nap. Feed Maggie. Change Maggie. Dad showers and gets dressed. Scott wakes up and has a snack. Scott goes outside for a little more playing. Feed Maggie. Change Maggie. Time for dinner. Get Scott dressed for the day (sure its after dinner, but never too late). Go down the street to the park to see what the weather is like. Come home. Feed Maggie. Change Maggie. Get Scott ready for bed (sure would have been easier to just keep him in his jammies). Read books to Scott and get him to bed. Feed Maggie. Change Maggie. Put her down about 10:00 or 10:30. Ann goes to bed. I catch a little Sportscenter or NBA playoffs and off to bed. Wake up call in 4 hours to feed Maggie. Day is done and what a success. Boy did that feel like yesterday and the day before, and the day before....

I understand that this is a short period of time in the big scheme of things. It will only be a few weeks and I will be able to tell you what day of the week it is or what I did yesterday. Enjoy the moment, right? So as you enjoy your day-off, if you think about us, just know there is a pretty good chance Maggie is being fed or changed.

All this to say, enjoy your Memorial Day.


Anonymous said...

Dear Russ,All I have to say is "How would you like to have six?"

Think of me when things get a little rough think of me.

congratulations.....Grandma "Mac"

ann said...
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Anonymous said...

I notice that you wrote that at 5:30 am. I would bet that you would not normally chose to be up at that time!