Monday, August 4, 2008

Quote of the Day

Yesterday while Ann was at the movie, Scottie and I were continuing to work on his potty training. After holding himself for a solid five minutes, and sitting on the pot with three false alarms, he finally managed to take a leak. Here's the conversation that took place after he finished:

Daddy: Scott I am so proud of you.

Scott: Thank you Daddy.

Daddy: Now let's go to McDonald's and celebrate how good you are doing.

Scott: OK Daddy.

Daddy: Scottie, you are doing so good being potty trained.

Scott: uh huh, I'm like Thomas the Train.

Daddy: Yep, exactly, now let's go to McDonald's. (Different uses for the word "train" there buddy, but we can discuss nouns and verbs later.)

1 comment:

Molly said...

The stories are cracking me up! Have fun training and I am so impressed that Ann got away to take in a movie. You're a good husband and I hope you got a sticker!